Guidelines & Eligibility

Broadway and Galleria Way

Broadway and Columbus Ave.

Broadway and Galleria Way
Under this Request for Proposals, the Library, Arts & Culture Department (“Library”) of the City of Glendale (“City”) — on behalf of the City’s Arts & Culture Commission (“ACC”) — are accepting proposals from qualified candidates who are interested in submitting design concepts for the Creative Crosswalk Murals – Request for Proposals.
Artists of all artistic genres, arts organizations, or schools may submit proposals. City of Glendale employees are not eligible to apply.
The Library and the ACC are requesting proposals for the commissioning of professional crosswalk and intersection mural designs throughout various locations in the City of Glendale with the intention of enhancing traffic safety in creative ways. The Bloomberg Philanthropies – Asphalt Art Initiative is an example of utilizing art as a means for traffic calming, pedestrian safety and neighborhood improvement. In June 2023, the City launched the pilot Creative Crosswalks program and examples of the program can be viewed here: https://www.glendaleartsandculture.org/creativecrosswalks. These projects are in partnership with the Public Works Department (PW), with the goal of incorporating civic art into daily life. Artists and/or Artist Teams are encouraged to submit proposals for creative crosswalk projects listed below.
The individual project budgets range from $1,000 - $15,000 based on the size and scope of the project. The project budget is for producing a design concept rendering only. The City will hire and use a General Contractor— who will perform construction or rehabilitation of the street, intersection, and/ or crosswalk at the project locations before the murals are installed — to perform the mural installation/painting of the crosswalk and/or intersection. Therefore, Artists and/or Artist Teams should not include in the project budget the cost of materials and labor to install/paint the murals. The Library and the ACC are committed to amplifying cultural voices through a lens of Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Antiracism (IDEA), and encourage artists of all cultural backgrounds to consider applying for this opportunity.
Artists and/or Artist Teams are encouraged to attend a Pre-Proposal Meeting with City Staff on Monday, October 30, 2023 from 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. (via Microsoft Teams Meeting) to inquire about the projects and/or ask specific questions pertaining to the projects. Please RSVP by Friday, October 27th at 5:00 p.m. for the Pre-Proposal Meeting by emailing artsandculture@glendaleca.gov in order to receive the Microsoft Teams Meeting login information.
PROJECT #1: Artsakh Ave. Re-Development Project
Creative Crosswalk Areas (11 crosswalks): approximately 192 - 615sq. ft. (See Exhibit 1 from Call for Artists for reference)
Intersection Mural Area (Artsakh Ave. & Broadway only): 2,012 sq. ft.
Crosswalk Dimensions: See Exhibit 1 from Call for Artists for exact crosswalk dimensions.
Project #1 Design Budget: $1,000 - $15,000 ($1,000 per crosswalk design; $4,000 for intersection mural design only).
Artists/Artist Teams are invited to submit a proposal for:
The Creative Crosswalk Areas only (see Exhibit 1 from Call for Artists for exact dimensions of crosswalks).
An intersection mural for Artsakh Ave. & Broadway only (see Exhibit 1 from Call for Artists for exact dimensions).
A specific intersection (ex. Artsakh Ave. & Wilson Ave. only);
A design concept for all 11 crosswalks; AND/OR
Site-specific designs that celebrate Armenian/Artsakh culture.
Proposals must include a design concept that:
Clearly designates the design locations listed above for consideration;
Utilizes Exhibit 1 as a template for design concept renderings for proposals;
Is legible and detailed based on the crosswalk areas listed above;
Is easily replicated with the usage of stencils to paint the mural; and
Proposals must not include a design concept that:
Integrates an illusion of depth perception and/or a 3D rendering effect; and
Is difficult to replicate and/or that incorporates intricate designs.
PROJECT #2: San Fernando Road Beautification Project
Creative Crosswalk Areas (9 crosswalks): approximately 388 - 916 sq. ft. (See Exhibit 2 from Call for Artists for reference)
Crosswalk Dimensions: See Exhibit 2 for exact crosswalk dimensions.
Project #2 Design Budget: $1,000 - $9,000 ($1,000 per crosswalk design)
Artists/Artist Teams are invited to submit a proposal for:
The Creative Crosswalk Areas only (see Exhibit 2 from Call for Artists for exact dimensions of crosswalks).
A specific intersection (ex. San Fernando Road and Highland Ave. only) AND/OR;
A design concept for all 9 crosswalks.
Proposals must include a design concept that:
Clearly designates the design locations listed above for consideration;
Utilizes Exhibit 2 as a template for design concept renderings for proposals;
Is legible and detailed based on the crosswalk areas listed above;
Is easily replicated with the usage of stencils to paint the mural; and
Proposals must not include a design concept that:
Integrates an illusion of depth perception and/or a 3D rendering effect; and
Is difficult to replicate and/or that incorporates intricate designs.
Artwork should be sensitive to social, environmental, historical, or relevant contexts, and must be suitable for individuals of all ages.
Artwork must be contained within the white “stop arm” lines that are already painted on the crosswalk and the regulatory continental crosswalks lines.
Artwork must not contain:
Images or depictions of traffic signals, or sign icons.
Directional markings.
Logos, text, or advertising.
A commercial advertisement.
All elements of pattern for these treatments must be uniform, consistent, repetitive, and expected so as not to be a source of distraction to vehicle drivers and pedestrians. The aesthetic interior treatment must not:
Be random or unsystematic.
Implement pictographs, symbols, multiple color arrangements, etc., or otherwise attempt to communicate with any roadway user.
All elements of color for these treatments must not be a source of distraction to vehicle drivers and pedestrians and the aesthetic interior treatment must not:
Degrade the contrast of white or yellow crosswalk lines, or be mistaken by road users as a traffic control application.
Colors must be non-retroreflective.
Recommended colors include earth tone equivalents (per the Federal Highway Administration Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices – Interpretation Letter 3(09)-24(I) – Application of Colored Pavement. Official Ruling found here: https://mutcd.fhwa.dot.gov/resources/interpretations/3_09_24.htm).
City will consider additional color options. These will be reviewed and a decision on whether or not to approve them, will be made on a case by case basis.
Colors used must be reproducible, and the color name and number must be submitted with this application.
The City’s contractor who will install the murals will be using Ennis-Flint® by PPG Traffic Patterns Preformed Thermoplastic material or equivalent (See Exhibit 4 for reference). Artists/Artist Teams must refer to the standard colors and premium colors when submitting their design concept proposals.
See Exhibits 1, 2, 3 and 4 for reference.
The minimum interior dimensions of any crosswalk shall be 10 feet wide, and crosswalk shall extend the whole length of the street from curb to curb.
Services by persons deemed to be employees of Artist and/or Artist Teams possibly may be subject to prevailing wage, payroll records, apprenticeship, and contract award reporting requirements under California Labor Code Sections 1770-1781 (collectively, “prevailing wage laws”). Artist’s sole responsibility is to comply with those requirements, should they apply.
If a dispute based upon the prevailing wage laws occurs, Artist and/or Artist Teams, at Artist’s and/or Artist Teams’ expense, shall indemnify, defend (including Artist’s and/or Artist Teams’ providing and paying for legal counsel for City), and hold harmless City, its officers, agents, employees, and representatives from and against all liability, claims, suits, demands, damages, fines, penalties, wages, costs, or expenses pertaining to the prevailing wage laws.
Interested artists must complete the application online which can be found at the ACC website: www.glendaleartsandculture.org. Hard copy applications will not be accepted. The application includes the following information which will need to be completed:
A. Proposal
A detailed description of the crosswalk or intersection mural design concept, including:
Title of the work.
Concept description.
Materials used (i.e., types of paint).
Maintenance requirements (i.e., vandalism).
Statement of value for the artwork(s).
Location preference (i.e., crosswalk or intersection only).
B. Artist Statement.
C. Resume or biography outlining the artist’s experience (including education).
D. Digital images or sketches of the design concepts (title, size, medium) in JPEG format.
E. Digital images of past artworks and/or installations.
F. Authorization: If an individual is proposing to exhibit multiple works by various artists, written authorization by individual artists or rights of ownership should be submitted, if applicable.
G. If applicant is applying for multiple projects, applicant must submit separate application proposals for each project.
Artwork is ineligible, for any one or more of the following reasons, if the artwork:
A copyrighted or trademarked image or logo;
A brand or business name;
A website or social media link; (*)
Address or phone number; (*)
Is plagiarized, stolen, or copied from another source;
Defames or invades the rights of any person, living or dead;
Is likely to:
Incite or produce an imminent lawless act;
Disrupt the orderly operation of the facility exhibiting the art;
Is integral to criminal conduct or violates the law; or
May reasonably be construed as:
False or fraudulent;
Obscene matter, as defined in California Penal Code Section 311 or any successor legislation;
Harmful matter for minors as defined in California Penal Code Section 313 or any successor legislation; or
Child pornography, as defined in California Penal Code Section 311.1(a) or 311.2(b), or any successor legislation.
(*) Inclusion of such information could jeopardize artist payment, could result in the removal of the artist's entire work, and/or the removal of just the offending information, which could, by its nature, jeopardize the artistic integrity of the work.
Important: Artwork not adhering to these guidelines will not be considered.
Submissions will be reviewed by a selection committee consisting of an Arts & Culture Commissioner and City of Glendale representatives.
Library staff, in consultation with the ACC, will review proposals and make selections based on the following criteria:
Artist Experience (35%)
The artist’s originality, creativity, skill and/or craftsmanship; artist statement; and career experience will be considered.
Proposal Fit (25%)
The proposal’s fit to the medium (proposals must adhere to the parameters aforementioned regarding the crosswalk and intersection asphalt murals), durability of the artwork, scale, size, and accessibility for public viewing and installation will be considered.
Audience (25%)
The artwork’s versatility; sensitivity to social, environmental, historical, and/or relevant contexts; and suitability for all ages will be considered.
Local Preference (15%)
Preference may be given to local artists, if all other factors are equal. Local artist is defined as an artist whose primary residence studio or business is located in Glendale.
A selected artist must work as a subcontractor to a General Contractor hired by City staff to perform the construction or rehabilitation of the street, intersection, and/ or crosswalk at the project locations identified above. The selected artists must also schedule an appointment for inspection and approval of the layout of the artwork before the installation of the crosswalk, creative pavement, or intersection mural. The selected artist will be responsible for coordinating with the General Contractor the installation of his/her/their crosswalk, pavement, or mural(s) artwork during approved working hours.
Selected finalists will be notified by email. If the proposal is approved, the Proposer must sign a City of Glendale Library, Arts & Culture (LAC) – Public Art Work Commission Agreement (contract) that states the terms and conditions of the artwork commission design concept(s).
The artwork may be exhibited on the City web site, social media, Glendale government television GTV6, and more regionally with press releases and postings on www.glendaleartsandculture.org. By submitting a proposal, the Proposer irrevocably grants City, its officers, agents, and employees (“City and its representatives”) the unconditional right and permission to photograph, record (audio, or video, or both), broadcast, distribute, reproduce, copy, sell, exhibit, publish, and use the photographs and recordings of the artwork or performance, in whole or in part, in any medium now or later developed, for any purpose, without charge to the City and without payment to the Proposer of any compensation, fee, royalty, or damages (now or later).
When the City uses the artist’s images or the artwork for promoting arts programming, the City will endeavor to identify the artist and give credit to the artist, whenever possible, but the City will not be liable to the artist for an error in or omission of the artist’s identification or the artist’s credit for the artwork.
Creative Crosswalks Murals - RFP Opens October 2, 2023
Pre-Proposal Meeting with City Staff October 30 , 2023 at 11:00 a.m.
Crosswalk and Intersection Murals – RFP closes November 17, 2023 at 5:00 p.m.
Artist Review and Selection Committee November 27-30, 2023
Artist Notifications December 22, 2023
Paperwork Completion January 2023
Crosswalk and Intersection Murals ready to be installed February 2024 -->
Questions about the Crosswalk and Intersection Asphalt Mural - Request for Proposals can be submitted by email to: Jennifer Fukutomi-Jones, Principal Arts & Culture Administrator at artsandculture@glendaleca.gov.

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